Sunday, March 28, 2010

travel and tourism ads

This advertisement is unique because of its ability to tie in a common past time for Canada with a commonly used service.  With its simple image, Fedex is able to convey its loyalty to Canada and that it is a company that knows its consumers.

This outdoor advertisement creatively uses the space around the actual advertisement, which draws the attention of the consumer.  It shows the ability for anyone to go on  a trip without even thinking about other responsibilities and that this company is able to make trips happen quickly.

This airline advertisement conveys its ability to make anyone's dream a reality.  It's creative execution is simple, but unexpected and therefore is able to be effective.

Monday, March 8, 2010

long copy ads

These headlines draw in the attention of the viewer.  From an art gallery to ramen noodles, advertisers effectively have used copy to humor and educate the reader.  The copy exemplifies the attitude of the product it advertises in a manner that has the consumer needing to finish the advertisement as opposed to flipping over the page.

Though I am not sure, if this Honda advertisement constitutes long copy because of its length, it uses a different technique to grab attention.  As opposed to using a witty headline, it instead uses the shape of the text to be different.  In all advertisement, whether it may be the copy or the image, something needs to lead the viewer to it.  In this case, it is because of the banana that the reader is still inclined to read the copy.